Friday, September 19, 2008

What an interesting week we've had!

The Wind Storm of 2008 (aka remnants of Hurricane Ike) hit Columbus hard on Sunday. A significant portion of central Ohio lost power. We got our power back on Wednesday around 12 noon. Columbus Schools cancelled classes for 4 days. It was weird having "snow days" and having nice weather.

On Monday I babysat.

On Tuesday W. and I went to the zoo. Here is a video of the male lion growling or something.

W. and I sat and watched the gorillas for about 20 minutes. W. was eating an apple and one of the gorilla's came up to where we were sitting and looked intently at me and him. Then he scurried off. The same gorilla came back to us several times. Each time the gorilla came back to us he picked up a twig and pressed it against the glass. I pretended to take the twig and eat it. It was an amazing experience for me. I don't usually sit and watch the animals at the zoo. I usually just see the animal then move on. I plan to take time to sit and watch the animals next time we go there. Here is a blurry shot of the gorilla "handing" me the twig.OK W. just woke up from his nap so will continue the post later...

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